Chris as a grade schooler appears in a striped shirt with a big toothy grin

Chris Monsos is a human being in Seattle.

Hi, I’m Chris! My pronouns are he/him/his, and I live with my husband Doug in West Seattle, WA, United States of America, North America, Planet Earth.

While I’ve been working in technology since just out of high school, the arts have also played a significant role in forming the guy you see today.

If there is a young person in your life that you want to see succeed in tech, have them spend some time in technical theater too. There’s so much that is transferrable to other careers.

I am currently a Manager at a Seattle-based consulting firm, working as a Technical Product Manager for a national telecommunication provider helping them create the best tools and experiences for their customers and customer care agents.

Recently I’ve also been diving into code again, volunteering to create an AI-powered chat bot to answer player questions about an incredible Minecraft server. In the process, learning about Kubernetes, machine learning, Docker, and Python.

I love Disneyland, game shows, photography, feel-good television shows, travel, and game nights — and am excited to get out of the house more post-Coronavirus.